Compiling Ember
Compilers have a reputation for being esoteric and intimidating. But they don't need to be! A compiler is just a program that writes programs. This talk will be a practical tour through the Embroider build system that also teaches compiler concepts along the way. With the power of multi-pass compilation, Embroider can take a long-lived, conventional Ember app and give it lazy loading, code splitting, and tree shaking. All without modifying the app's own code.
About Edward Faulkner
Ed is a member of the Ember Framework core team. His open source code is running on mainstream gaming consoles, major social media sites, and hordes of enterprise applications. His consultancy, Polynomial LLC, leads ambitious software projects for a diverse group of businesses and nonprofits, and he is a lead developer for the Cardstack Project. https://cardstack.com
Don’t Just Put a <div> On It—Use the Power of the Browser!
The humble <div> is a powerful and flexible element. Throw enough CSS and JavaScript on it, and a can be anything. But should it be? “Semantic HTML” is a method of using elements that best match what your content means and does. But how do you write better markup if you don’t know your options? Join the learning journey to fill your semantic HTML toolkit with the coolest elements you never knew existed. Learn specific elements to use in different scenarios and how to wield the full power of the HTML spec. You’ll write less code while making your pages more accessible and mobile-friendly!
About Marie Chatfield
Marie writes code and poetry, sometimes at the same time. As a front-end engineering enthusiast, she’s currently helping the fine folks at Pingboard build the world’s best org chart software. She is passionate about creating inclusive experiences and understanding foundational web technologies at a deeper level. Talk to her about rock climbing or Texas!
Content Choreography: Meaningful Motion in Ember Apps
We naturally invent stories to explain phenomena we can't understand. If your app leaves changes "vague," users will make up explanations about how it works. Some developers see animation as a fancy gimmick to slap on at the end of a project. Others want to use it in a helpful way but aren't sure how. Both will learn that animation is a meaningful tool and how to use it effectively to reduce user error. In this talk, we'll avoid getting in the weeds with addons, JS libraries, or CSS frameworks. Instead we'll learn the ways that animation can aid your users and see practical UI examples.
About James Steinbach
James is a senior developer with more than 10 years of front-end experience. If you let him talk, you're liable to get an earful about modular styles, accessible pages, cool CSS tricks, or random restaurant reviews (especially if pizza or BBQ are involved).
Steady State with Ember Octane
Ever wondered where your component state went or where it came from? In this talk you will learn how arguments, decorators and tracked properties make state management of your component built in Ember Octane easier than ever before. In comparison with patterns known from traditional Ember apps, you will learn how to transform your modern components to predictable and future-proof building blocks of your application.
About Jessica Jordan
Jessica is a member of the Ember Learning Core team and a software engineer at simplabs. She is an editor at The Ember Times and organizes the Ember Berlin meetup. She is passionate about open-source, CSS, art and comics.
Worker Power!
Web workers bring a new layer of capabilities to web applications. Because workers operate on their own threads, they provide a way to perform processor-intensive tasks without affecting the responsiveness of an application. This talk will explore the different types of workers, including service workers and shared workers, and how to make the most of them in your Ember applications. We'll discuss the capabilities available to workers and explore different use cases, including progressive web apps.
About Dan Gebhardt
Dan is on the Ember.js core team, an editor of the JSON:API spec, and the creator of Orbit.js. He consults through Cerebris, the company he co-founded, and their partner Tilde. He loves to travel and hike with his family and fluffy dog.
Matt Gardner
Navigating Towards Stronger App Architecture Using Maps
Like the cities they represent, interactive maps are complicated feats of engineering. They are resource-intensive microcosms of state management, requiring special data formats and styling specifications. When the needs of an application go beyond showing points on a map, cartographic applications can quickly grow unwieldy and unsustainable. Throw moving targets, messy data, and squeezed timelines into the mix, and you've got an enormous component that does everything – poorly. This talk discusses the latest mapping technology and approaches to building better components - map-based or otherwise.
About Matt Gardner
Matt Gardner is a software engineer for the NYC Department of City Planning. Originally an urban planner, he pivoted into application development after seeing a gap in need for better software in government, specifically in the public advocacy realm. He and his team, Planning Labs, rebuilt the City of New York's digital zoning and land use map using EmberJS.
May I ask a question, LIVE!
As Ms. Frizzle says, "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!" Join two Ember developers as they livestream Ember Q&A from the Stack Overflow, the Discuss Forums, and the audience. In this activity, Jen and Preston will teach strategies for leveling up the skills necessary for positive interactions and and get answers to your own burning questions!
About Jen Weber
Jen Weber is a member of the Ember Core Team. She works at Cardstack, making Web 3.0 accessible to everyone and empowering new creators. (she/her/they/them)
Preston Sego
May I ask a question, LIVE!
As Ms. Frizzle says, "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!" Join two Ember developers as they livestream Ember Q&A from the Stack Overflow, the Discuss Forums, and the audience. In this activity, Jen and Preston will teach strategies for leveling up the skills necessary for positive interactions and and get answers to your own burning questions!
About Preston Sego
Preston Sego is an Open Source Enthusiast. He has a side project, emberclear.io, which is both a place to explore new features of the web platform, and help others learn Ember and frontend testing patterns. He works at CrowdStrike, helping build interfaces for the cloud-native endpoint protection platform built to stop breaches.
Spencer Price
Modifiers: the Good and the Camp
During the rush up to Ember Conf and the formal release of Ember Octane, Element modifiers seemed to magically appear through a series of blog posts that identified a brand-new base tool for Ember applications. Since they are still so new: When should we use them? How should we use them? When should we not use them? In this talk, we'll explore a number of use cases and explore how to model them using modifiers. Some good; some ambiguous; some plain silly.
About Spencer Price
Spencer is an Engineering Manager for Movable Ink in New York City. He has been building applications with Ember for over seven years and has been experimenting with use cases for modifiers ever since they were formally announced in February. Outside of work, you'll find me blocking people's view at Broadway shows, walking my obnoxiously happy dog, or watching good movies.
Lisa Backer
Mocks, Spies, and Timers - Oh My!
The testing world is full of ways to simulate data and user interaction. Mocks, spies, stubs, and timers all allow you to focus your tests and remove unwanted interference. Maybe you've tried to set them up and been overwhelmed or maybe you've never even heard of them. Core concepts can help developers frame their thoughts about testing and structuring tests. We'll explore those core concepts and look at how to leverage existing libraries like Sinon.js, Pretender.js, and even ember-cli-mirage, with examples to make your test suite more stable and reliable.
About Lisa Backer
Lisa is a senior engineer at DockYard, helping large clients integrate Ember.js at scale with a commitment to quality. This commitment has led to a passion for testing. She has 20 years of web development experience ranging from consulting and product development, to helping nonprofit institutions in both paid and volunteer capacities.
Build One Get Two --- Guide For When To Leverage Corber
About Sean Devine
Sean Devine is the proud father of 5 children, a lucky husband to his amazing wife Theresa, an active Ember/JavaScript (and Rails/Ruby) developer, and the Founder and CEO of XBE - a Construction Logistics business based in Chicago, IL. He is thankful every day that he bet his company on Ember, and is more excited than ever about where things headed. When not working, or parenting, or programming, Sean enjoys running, cycling, and the NBA.
Closing Keynote Speaker
About Olivia Liddell
Olivia Liddell is a Cloud Training Specialist at Cloudbakers. She is a former Chicago Public Schools teacher who now specializes in technology training and change management. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring, and distance running.